‘The solutions are there, but the political challenges are great’
Three quick questions to Andreas Bergström, new Senior Consultant at New Republic, about making the switch from the think tank Fores to New Republic and the major political issues in the immediate future.

Your most recent position was vice CEO of the think tank Fores. Why have you joined New Republic?
– I have worked the last nine years at the think tank Fores, where I highlighted research on the housing shortage, the labour market, welfare service providers, segregation and other subjects. I would now like to work closer to the actual challenges facing companies and organisations. There are areas where laws and regulations – individually reasonable – together create a regulatory jungle that is preventing societal development, for example areas of national significance, shoreline protection, the municipal planning monopoly, environmental legislation and historic environment legislation. I want to help clear a path through this jungle..
What are the major political issues going forward?
– Immigration and its effects will continue to be major issues. How do we combat criminality, improve the labour market and get schools to deliver to all children? It is only when policies produce results regarding such issues that it may be politically possible to return to a more liberal refugee policy.
– The climate issue is growing in importance. More and more people realise that we need changes here and now, and we must choose effective measures. The solutions are there, but the political challenges are great. We need rules and regulations that stimulate technological development and ensure that all countries take responsibility and our children will have it better than we did.
What most excites you about working at New Republic?
– Working with interesting, clever colleagues and clients who will give me new perspectives on society. As a result, I will learn a lot and hopefully be able to contribute better to social change.
Andreas Bergström was interviewed by Olle Schubert, CEO at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic..